internet marketing consultant

Outsourced SEO Management for

Agencies and Web Developers

(561) 325 - 7307

local seo

The Website Clinic - An Interactive Event

We present this two hour clinic at various venues around town. It's very popular in the real estate industry, but we have done these clinics for a variety of industry segments and more diverse audiences of website owners.

The clinic starts with a traditional presentation reviewing the latest issues and recommendations of the major search engines, which mostly follows the Google Webmaster Guidelines. Understanding what the search engines are looking for and what they dislike, we review the current best practices for achieving good organic optimization.

No Crying Allowed

For the second half of the clinic we put some of the attendees websites up on the big screen and review them publicly. We point out areas needing improvement and laugh a little at some crazy stuff that developers out on sites. So, if the main marketing message, the basic optimization or the call to action is not in place you will get a minor scolding. And we will all learn some basic techniques for better optimizing a website.

Public Speaker for Internet Marketing

We provide an informative and fun session, with specific recommendations for attendees to implment. Call us to schedule a session.

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